Conference Presentations


Boško M., Voňková H., Papajoanu O., & Moore A. (2023, September 5-7). Speeding in PISA 2018 student questionnaire: A case of Prague basic school students. [Conference presentation]. 31. konference České asociace pedagogického výzkumu, Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic.

Papajoanu, O., Boško M., Voňková H., & Moore A. (2023, September 5-7). Student overclaiming of knowledge in relation to excessive strictness of teachers: The use of the overclaiming technique. [Conference presentation]. 31. konference České asociace pedagogického výzkumu, Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic.

Boško, M., Voňková, H., Papajoanu, O. & Moore, A. (2023, June 27-30). A comparison of response styles between different groups of Czech and New Zealand students participating in PISA 2018. [Conference presentation]. XXI Bulgarian Comparative Education Society Conference (BCES), Sofia, Bulgaria.

Boško, M., Papajoanu, O., Moore, A. & Voňková, H. (2023, June 27-30). Examining paradoxical associations between students’ questionnaire responses and their achievement across PISA cycles: The case of teacher support. [Conference presentation]. XXI Bulgarian Comparative Education Society Conference (BCES), Sofia, Bulgaria.

Bonjeer, T. (2023, June 27-30). Conducting experiments in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) in remote learning environments during the global COVID-19 pandemic: Approaches and policy implications. [Conference presentation]. XXI Bulgarian Comparative Education Society Conference (BCES), Sofia, Bulgaria.

Papajoanu, O., & Vonkova, H. (2023, June 9-12). Comparing how different methodological approaches for response style identification enhance the comparability and validity of student-reported data. [Conference presentation]. 6th International Conference on Education Research and Policy (ICERP 2023), Peking, Čína.

Vonkova, H., & Papajoanu, O. (2023, June 9-12). Examining cross-country differences in student reporting behavior: The use of the anchoring vignette method on a sample of PISA 2015 participating countries. [Conference presentation]. 6th International Conference on Education Research and Policy (ICERP 2023), Peking, Čína.


Altinkalp, I., Vonkova, H., & Moore, A. (2022, June 20-24). The Policy of Inclusion: A Comparative Analysis of Refugee Education Policies in Germany and Turkey [Conference presentation]. XX Bulgarian Comparative Education Society (BCES) Conference, Sofia, Bulgaria. 

Altinkalp, I., & Voňková, H. (2022, August 29-31). Children of Syrian Refugees and Formal Education: Challenges of Their Language Education in Turkey [Conference presentation]. 30. konference České asociace pedagogického výzkumu, Babice, Česká republika.

Moore, A., & Voňková, H. (2022, August 29-31). Lower Secondary Students Participation in Non-Language Classes in English and Self-Reported Indicators Of Socio-Economic Status [Conference presentation].30. konference České asociace pedagogického výzkumu, Babice, Česká republika.

Moore, A., Vonkova, H.,& Altinkalp, I. (2022, June 20-24). Examining the Relationship between Exposure to English in Non-Language Classes and Motivation to Use English during Free Time Activities [Conference presentation]. XX Bulgarian Comparative Education Society (BCES) Conference, Sofia, Bulgaria. 

Papajoanu, O., Moore, A., & Vonkova, H. (2022, August 23-25). Exploring How Czech Learners Report Their English as a Foreign Language Knowledge Using the Overclaiming Technique [Conference presentation]. ECER 2022, Yerevan, Armenia. 

Štípek, J., Voňková, H., & Králová, K. (2022, August 29-31). Časy Na Zodpovězení Otázek V Testu Z Angličtiny U Žáků Studujících Nejazykové Předměty Vangličtině. [Conference presentation]. 30. konference České asociace pedagogického výzkumu, Babice, Česká republika.

Štípek, J., Voňková, H., & Moore, A. (2022, August 23-25) Gender Differences in Rapid Guessing Behavior on an English as a Foreign Language Achievement Test [Conference presentation]. ECER 2022, Yerevan, Armenia. 

Vonkova, H., Vlckova, K., Papajoanu, O., Zvirotsky, M., & Moore, A. (2022, August 23-25). Research on Foreign Language Teaching and Learning in the Czech Republic from 2016 to 2021 [Conference presentation]. ECER 2022, Yerevan, Armenia. 

Voňková, H.,  Vlčková, K., & Papajoanu, O. (2022). Výzkum Učení A Vyučování Cizích Jazyků V Čr: Přehled Zaměření Odborných Knih, Rigorózních A Disertačních Prací Od Roku 2014 [Conference presentation]. 30. konference České asociace pedagogického výzkumu, Babice, Česká republika.

Vonkova, H.,Papajoanu, O., & Bosko, M. (2022). Examining the differences in reporting behavior among East Asian students with different language and immigrant background using international large-scale assessment data [Conference presentation] . CIES 2022, Minneapolis, MN.

Voňková, H., & Boško, M. (2022, August 29-31). Tendence K Volbě Extrémních Škálových Kategorií Českými Žáky: Vybrané Výsledky Z Pisa 2012 [Conference presentation]30. konference České asociace pedagogického výzkumu, Babice, Česká republika.

Vonkova, H.,Papajoanu, O., Moore, A. & Bosko, M. (2022, December 9-10). Questionnaire Item Response Times and Claiming Impossible Knowledge: An Analysis Using the Overclaiming Technique [Conference Presentation]. IAC-Global Education, Teaching and Learning, Vienna, Austria. 

Vonkova, H.,Papajoanu, O., Moore, A. & Bosko, M. (2022, December 9-10).Exploring Student-Reported Socioeconomic Status and English as a Foreign Language Family Activities[Conference Presentation]. IAC-Global Education, Teaching and Learning, Vienna, Austria. 



Moore, A., & Vonkova, H. (2021, March 28–29). Use of arts-integrated multimodal technology in the English as a foreign language classroom to engage student creativity and enhance motivation and achievement [Online conference presentation]. INTED 2021, Valencia, Spain. 

Moore, A. (2021, May 28). Language pedagogy in the United States: A comparative analysis of California and Tennessee through the European lens [Online conference presentation]Emergency in Education Conference, Prague, Czech Republic. 

Papajoanu, O., Vonkova, H., & Stipek, J. (2021, June 21–26). Examining the Differences in Student Self-Assessment of Their Skills in English as a Foreign Language: A Pilot Study Comparing Male and Female Lower Secondary Students [Online conference presentation]. XIX Bulgarian Comparative Education Society (BCES) Conference, Sofia, Bulgaria. 

Papajoanu, O., & Voňková, H. (2021, September 13-15). Srovnání úrovně motivace k učení se anglickému jazyku u českých žáků na základě jejich pohlaví: výsledky pilotní studie [Conference presentation]. 29. konference České asociace pedagogického výzkumu, Brno, Česká republika.

Štípek, J., Voňková, H., Papajoanu, O., & Králová, K. (2021, September 13-15). Vztah mezi hodnocením vlastních znalostí angličtiny a výsledkem v testu z angličtiny: kolik času potřebují žáci na odpovědi [Conference presentation]. 29. konference České asociace pedagogického výzkumu, Brno, Česká republika.

Vonkova, H., Papajoanu, O., & Lee, J. (2021, September 13-15). Analyzing the differences in the reporting of familiarity with (mathematical) items with focus on Asian countries [Conference presentation]. 29. konference České asociace pedagogického výzkumu, Brno, Česká republika.

Vonkova, H., & Moore, A. (2021, June 21–26). Motivation of Students for English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) and Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL): Current Research Foci in Different Countries [Online conference presentation]. Bulgarian Comparative Education Society (BCES) Conference, Sofia, Bulgaria. 

Vonkova, H., Moore, A., Kralova, K., & Lee, J. -Y. (2021, June 21–26). English as a Foreign Language and Motivation for Learning: A Comparative Perspective [Online conference presentation]. Bulgarian Comparative Education Society (BCES) Conference, Sofia, Bulgaria. 

Vonkova, H., & Papajoanu, O. (2021, April 25–May 2). Investigating the differences in student reporting behavior across different world regions: A synthesis of different reporting behavior measures [Online conference presentation]. Comparative and International Education Society (CIES), online.




Vonkova, H., & Papajoanu, O. (2020, September 14–16) Možnosti využití overclaiming technique v pedagogickém výzkumu: aplikace pro oblast znalosti jazyků [Conference presentation]. 28. Konference České asociace pedagogického výzkumu, Ostrava, Česká republika..

Vonkova, H., Papajoanu, O., Kralova, K., & Zamarro, G. (2020, March 15 – April). Gender differences in reporting behavior across different cultures: An analysis of PISA 2015 anchoring vignette data on motivation for learning [Online conference presentation]. Conference Comparative and International Education Society (CIES), online.


Kralova, K., Stipek, J., Vonkova, H., & Papajoanu, O. (2019, April 25). Sebehodnocení motivace k učení se informačním a komunikačním technologiím: výsledky pilotního šetření mezi středoškolskými studenty [Conference presentation]. Conference EDUCA XV., Nitra, Slovensko.

Papajoanu, O., Kralova, K., Vonkova, H., & Stipek, J. (2019, June 11-14). Examining the assessment of anchoring vignettes in different information and communication technology competence domains: The results of a pilot study among upper-secondary students [Conference presentation].  Bulgarian Comparative Education Society (BCES) Conference , Pomorie, Bulgaria. ***

Vonkova, H., Papajoanu, O., Stipek, J., & Kralova, K. (2019, September 3– 6) Enhancing the comparability of self-reported ICT knowledge among different groups of students using the overclaiming technique [Conference presentation]. European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Hamburg, Germany.

Vonkova, H., Papajoanu, O., Kralova, K., Shahriari-Rad, A., & Zamarro, G. (2019, April 14–18) Analyzing the heterogeneity in students’ reporting behavior across cultures: results from PISA 2015 anchoring vignettes data on motivation for learning [Conference presentation]. Conference Comparative and International Education Society (CIES), San Francisco, CA, USA.

***Awarded best conference paper and presentation



Stipek, J., Kralova, K., Hrabak, J., Cernochova, M., Papajoanu, O., & Vonkova, H. (2018, September 12-14). Overclaiming technique a její aplikace v různých oblastech výzkumu sebehodnocení znalostí a dovedností: výsledky pilotní studie [Conference presentation]. 26. Konference České asociace pedagogického výzkumu, Zlín, Česká republika.

Vonkova, H., Papajoanu, O., Stipek, J., Cernochova, M., & Kralova, K. (2018, September 12-13). Enhancing the comparability of self-reported knowledge using the overclaiming technique [Conference presentation]. Frontiers in Educational Measurement (FREMO) Conference, Oslo, Norway.

Vonkova, H., Papajoanu, O., Stipek, J., Cernochova, M., & Kralova, K. (2018, September 4-7). Enhancing the cross-cultural comparability of self-reports using the overclaiming technique: An analysis of accuracy and exaggeration in 64 cultures [Conference presentation]. European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Bolzano, Italy.


Vonkova, H., Papajoanu, O., Stipek, J., & Hrabak, J. (2017, September 13-14). Problematika sociálně žádoucího odpovídání v dotazníkových šetřeních a její řešení pomocí overclaiming technique: příklad využití v ICT [Conference presentation]. 25. Konference České asociace pedagogického výzkumu, Hradec Králové, Česká republika.

Vonkova, H., Papajoanu, O., & Vankatova, E. (2017, March16-17). Metodologické přístupy k řešení heterogenity ve stylu odpovídání na (dotazníkové) položky u různých skupin žáků [Conference presentation]. Konference České pedagogické společnosti, Olomouc, Česká republika.



Vonkova, H., Papajoanu, O., Hrabak, J., & Bendl, S. (2016, September 15-16) Metoda ukotvujících vinět v pedagogickém výzkumu: doporučení pro správnou formulaci ukotvujících vinět [Conference presentation]. 24th Konference České asociace pedagogického výzkumu, České Budějovice, Česká republika.

Vonkova, H. (2016 August 22-26). The influence of the selected school characteristics on teacher’s classroom management in European countries: student’s assessments and anchoring vignettes [Conference presentation]ECER 2016: Leading Education: The Distinct Contributions of Educational Research and Researchers, Dublin, Ireland.



Vonkova, H., Bendl, S., & Papajoanu, O. (2015, September 16-18) Možnosti využití metody ukotvujících vinět při měření nečestného chování žáků ve školách [Conference presentation]. 23. Konference České asociace pedagogického výzkumu, Plzeň, Česká republika

Vonkova, H. (2015, September 7-11). International comparisons of student perceptions on teacher’s classroom management: improving comparability with the anchoring vignettes method [Conference presentation]. ECER 2015: Education and Transition – Contributions from Educational Research, Budapest, Hungary.

Vonkova, H. (2015, May 26-27). The (in) comparability of ICT knowledge and skill self-assessments among upper secondary school students: The use of the anchoring vignette method [Conference presentation]. School Tracking: Diverse mechanisms, effects and policy responses, Prague, Czech Republic.

Vonkova, H. (2015, March 8-13) International comparisons of student perceptions on teacher’s classroom management: Improving comparability with the anchoring vignettes method [Conference presentation]. Comparative and International Education Society, 59th Annual Conference: “Ubuntu! Imagining a Humanist Education Globally,” Washington, DC, USA.

Invited Lectures and Keynote Presentations

Vonkova, H. & Papajoanu, O. (2019, December 18). Cross-cultural (in)comparability of students ҆ self-reports [Invited lecture]. Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Education a Center for Advancing Learning and Teaching – Graduate Student Education and Academic Support Center, Ankara, Turkey.

Vonkova, H. (2017, November 8-11). Do we compare comparable? A potential solution with the anchoring vignette method [Keynote conference presentation]. Conference of Association for Educational Assessment – Europe: Assessment cultures in a globalised world, Prague, Czech Republic. 

Institution: Charles University, Faculty of Education
Street: Magdaleny Rettigove 4
City: Prague
ZIP/Postal code: 116 39
State: Czech Republic


Contact person:
Director: Hana Vonkova