Conference posters


Motivační položky v žákovském dotazníku PISA 2015: Vztah jazyka zadání a rychlosti odpovídání žáků

Authors: Martin Boško & Hana Voňková

Conference: XXXII. výroční konference České asociace pedagogického výzkumu: Spolupráce oborů pro podporu kvality vzdělávání

Response times are becoming increasingly prominent as an important part of student response analysis. Despite the language being crucial for their analysis, its effect on questionnaire response time has not received much attention. We analyze the relationship between nine language variants of a student questionnaire and the response time to motivation items in PISA 2015. The results revealed significant differences in response times to motivation items based on the language of the questionnaire. Differences also occurred within countries where the questionnaire was administered in multiple languages. Thus, when analyzing students’ responses using response times, not only the country differences should be considered, but also the language variants administered within the country.

Awarded “The best conference poster” award

Institution: Charles University, Faculty of Education
Street: Magdaleny Rettigove 4
City: Prague
ZIP/Postal code: 116 39
State: Czech Republic


Contact person:
Director: Hana Vonkova