
Reg. number: 24-10968S

The development of English language learning motivation among Czech students in different types of schools at upper secondary level

Vývoj motivace k učení se anglickému jazyku u českých žáků z různých typů škol na úrovni vyššího sekundárního vzdělávání

Duration: 1.1.2024 – 31.1.2027

Abstract: Research into foreign language learning motivation is starting to focus on its changes over time, often relying on self-reported data from learners. Such data, however, can be biased by the reporting behavior (RB) differences between learners and the change of their RB over time. In this project, we examine the changes in RB when reporting English as a foreign language (EFL) motivation among students in different years of study at different types of Czech upper secondary schools. Further, we investigate how EFL learning motivation structure develops among these students, the factors contributing to this development, and how the identified changes in RB could affect the results. In the context of the development of students’ motivation, we also investigate the paradoxical findings concerning the relationship between students’ non-cognitive skills and achievement test scores documented in the literature. The project outcomes are articles in impact factor journals, a book, conference presentations, a summarizing school report, and a summarizing report and a video for the wider public.


  • Hana Vonkova
  • Ondrej Papajoanu
  • Katerina Kralova
  • Jiri Stipek
  • Jakub Pivarc
  • Martin Bosko
  • Jane Jones

Reg. number: 21-09064S

Heterogeneity in reporting behavior on surveys among different countries, schools and groups of students

Heterogenita ve způsobu odpovídaní v dotazníkových šetřeních napříč různými zeměmi, školami a skupinami studentů

Duration: 1.1.2021 – 31.1.2023

Abstract: International large-scale assessment studies collect valuable data on students’ attitudes, beliefs, and learning experiences using questionnaire items with rating scales. However, such data are prone to inaccuracies due to the differences in students’ reporting behavior. In this project, we use a variety of methodological approaches capturing response scale usage (e.g. two students with the same actual level of a concept assessing themselves on a scale differently) and survey effort (different amounts of effort expended by students while responding to questionnaire items). We investigate the differences in reporting behavior between diverse groups of students and how their reporting behavior differs across different years. We also explore how the approaches are mutually related and how they can explain the anomalous country-level negative relationships between, for example, students’ self-reported attitudes and student achievement, as discussed in the literature. The project’s outcomes include studies in impact factor journals and a peer-reviewed journal.


  • Hana Vonkova
  • Ondrej Papajoanu
  • Katerina Kralova
  • Gema Zamarro

Reg. number: 20-05484S

Analyzing the determinants of self-reported English language knowledge and motivation for English language learning in Czech lower secondary students

Analýza determinantů sebehodnocení znalostí anglického jazyka a motivace k učení se anglickému jazyku u českých žáků nižšího sekundárního stupně

Duration: 1.1.2020 – 31.1.2022

Abstract: Current research on English as a foreign language (EFL) learning frequently uses self-report data to measure both students’ perceived language skills and their motivation. It has been shown, however, that the accuracy of self-reported data can be hindered by differences in respondents’ scale usage. In this project, we study the differences in Czech lower-secondary students’ scale usage in regard to their perceived EFL knowledge and skills and their motivation for learning EFL, in a large-scale questionnaire survey. Furthermore, we study the relationship of these concepts to school, family, peer, and individual factors and we explore how these relationships can be affected by differences in scale usage. We also aim to address the gap in research concerning the paradoxical negative relationship between self-reported student motivation for learning and results in achievement tests and examine them in the context of EFL research. The outcomes of the project include studies in impact factor journals, a Scopusindexed journal, and other peer-reviewed journals.


  • Hana Vonkova
  • Jiri Stipek
  • Ondrej Papajoanu
  • Michal Zvirotsky
  • Katerina Kralova
  • Angie Moore
  • Katerina Vlckova
  • Jane Jones

Reg. number: 17-02993S

Factors influencing the ICT skill self-assessments of upper-secondary school students

Faktory ovlivňující sebehodnocení ICT dovedností studentů středních škol

Duration: 1.1.2017 – 31.1.2019

Abstract: Self-assessments of ICT (information and communication technology) skills are often used in educational research and real-life situations. However, self-assessments may depend not only on the objective situation but also on the reporting style – two students with the same actual ICT skills evaluate their skills differently – one as excellent and the other only as good. Comparison of their self-assessments would bring us to a misleading conclusion about their ICT skills. In our project, we aim to identify the heterogeneity in ICT skills’ reporting behaviour among different groups of upper-secondary school students, correct their ICT skills self-assessments for this identified heterogeneity and analyse the impact of several background variables on these ( adjusted) self-assessments. Our research will contribute to explaining the paradoxical negative relationship between ICT skills self-assessments and ICT achievement that has been brought to light by current research in this area.


  • Hana Vonkova
  • Miroslava Cernochova
  • Jiri Stipek
  • Ondrej Papajoanu
  • Jan Hrabak
  • Katerina Kralova
  • Kent Löfgren

Institution: Charles University, Faculty of Education
Street: Magdaleny Rettigove 4
City: Prague
ZIP/Postal code: 116 39
State: Czech Republic


Contact person:
Director: Hana Vonkova