The reviewers evaluate

The peer review process ensures an objective, fair and thorough assessment of the papers and provides the author with feedback. Submissions are forwarded to the review process after being viewed by the editors of the Journal. The reviewers assess the submission within a 20-day frame by an anonymous statement submitted in written form and rule on:

  1. publishing the paper without alterations,
  2. publishing the paper after amendments are made in accordance with the feedback;
  3. not publishing the paper in its current form; the author has an option to revise the paper, after which the new paper will be subjected to a new peer review process.

The ruling of acceptance or of an amendment to the text is made by the Journal after it receives the reviews.

The review form is available here.

The reviewers evaluate:

Formal layout

  • Structure of the text and its logical coherence
  • Unity of name, abstract and content
  • Clarity and coherence of the text
  • Compliance with language norms and the APA norms
  • Complete and precise citations


  • Choice of topic with regard to the topic of the Journal
  • The topicality and relevance of the paper (for theory, methodology and praxis)
  • Theoretical framework
  • Apposite formulation of the problem being researched
  • Clear goals
  • Discussion of findings
  • Compliance with scientific ethical norms


Each submission will also be judged on the basis of the criteria applied to each individual type of paper:

Theoretical study

Originality and transparency of the study, its theoretical context, importance for the issue being researched and the field, its practical utility.

Overview paper

Cogent portrayal of the essence of the issue being researched, quality of the analysis, method, correct citations of relevant domestic and international literature.

Methodological study

Originality of the methodological approaches, creation of new research techniques, including pre-research verification (reliability, validity), or standardization characteristics, characteristics of the research sample selection, means of verification, critical analysis of the qualities and shortcomings of the approach, methods and techniques employed.

Empirical study

Topicality of the research in the context of previous research, formulation of the theoretical bases, research objectives and research questions, concise description of the research methodology, methods used for data analysis and interpretation of the results; adequacy, reliability and quality of the outcomes, quality of discussion, formulation of conclusions and recommendations for further research.