Mini-grants Pedf UK
Vážené studentky, vážení studenti,
Charles University will support up to 10 projects through so-called student mini-grants, seed funding for teams from the 4EU+ universities. This scheme aims to encourage students and young researchers from all around the 4EU+ Alliance to collaborate without the limitation of their fields, faculties, or universities. The projects can focus on initiating international research collaboration, organizing joint educational activities (workshops, soft skill courses, etc.) and developing socio-cultural collaboration and strengthening the third role of the university (active involvement in the social discourse and search for solutions to global economic, social and environmental issues).
How to apply?
Fill out the form by 15 May 2022 – here
The basic parameters of this call are as follows:
Applicant must be a student of Charles University
Project has to involve at least three 4EU+ member universities (Charles University + Heidelberg Universität, Sorbonne Université, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Università degli Studi di Milano a Københavns Universitet)
Supported activities must be in line with the 4EU+ Mission statement
The maximum amount to apply for is CZK 150,000 (approx. EUR 6100)
Funding of the projects will be scheduled for the period of June-November, 2022.