Sport, politika a etnické skupiny ve střední Evropě

Určeno pro: Bc.

Kód SIS: OB2305237,
Popis SIS: Výběrová přednáška E,

Datum: Monday 16:15-17:45
Organizátor: Jana Kepartová, Stefan Zwicker

Místo: R 125

Sport, politics and ethnic groups in Central Europe

VÝUKA PROBÍHÁ V ANGLIČTINĚ, STUDENTI MOHOU ODPOVÍDAT V ČEŠTINĚ: The lessons will be held in English, but questuions etc. can be  put in Czech.

Sport had become a mass phenomena and mass attraction in the 20th century. On the one hand sport is a matter of competion, about winning and beating the opponent, evoking sometimes international tension und being used for propaganda, On the other hand is presented as a means of bringing people from different backgrounds and counties together. We will regard sport as an topic of history, especially on its role for the deifferent ethnic groups in multi-ethic states as Austria before 1918 and ČSR and Poland in the interwar period.


Kritéria atestace (ZÁPOČET) - 6 kreditů (kvůli cizojazyčné výuce)

Paper presented on a certain topic during the lessons and to be worked out in written form at the end of the semester.