Sport sometimes was called „religion of the 20. th century.“.After modern sport was established in Central Europe it became a mass movement, in the inter-war-period also an important political factor. In the cold war-era it played an important role in the conflict between East and West and became more and more also an economical factor. This commercial aspect is nowadays even stronger and recent developments show also in the 21st century sport can be used as a massive means of propaganda. We will focus mainly on the social, political und economic role of Sport in Central Europe. The lectures will be held in English, but we can discuss also in Czech.
Kurz je hodnocen 6 kredity.
Selected literature
Děkanovský, Jan: Sport, média a mýty. Zlatí hoši, královna bílé stopy a další moderní hrdinové.. Praha 2008: Dokořán
Eisenberg, Christiane, English Sports und deutsche Bürger. Eine Gesellschaftsgeschichte 1800-1939, Paderborn u.a. 1999: Schöningh
Hilbrenner, Anke/ Emeliantseva, Ekaterina/ Koller, Christian/ Zeller, Manfred/ Zwicker, Stefan (eds.): Handbuch der Sportgeschichte Osteuropas. (partly in English)
Kolář, František et al: Kdo byl Kdo – Naši olympionici. Praha 1999: Libri
Malz, Arie/ Rohdewald, Stefan/ Wiederkehr, Stefan (eds.):Sport zwischen Ost und West. Beiträge zur Sportgeschichte Osteuropas im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. Osnabrück 2007: Fibre (Einzelveröffentlichungen des DHI Warschau 16)
Marschik, Matthias et al (eds.):Sport Studies. Wien 2009: Facultas (UTB 3226)
Wagg, Stephen/ Andrews, David L.:East Plays West. Sport and the Cold War. London, New York: Routledge 2006.
Waic, Marek/ Zwicker, Stefan: Central and Eastern Europe. In: S. W. Pope, John Nauright (Hg.): Routledge Companion to Sports History. London, New York 2010: Routlegde, 391-404
Waic, Marek:Tělovýchova a sport ve službách české národní emancipace; Praha 2014: Karolinum
Waic, Marek et al.: In the Shadow of Totalitarism: Sport and the Olympic Movement in the "Visegrád Countries" 1945-1989. Praha 2015: Karolinum
Zwicker, Stefan: Sport in the Czech and Slovak Republics and the Former Czechoslovakia and the Challenge of Its Recent Historiography. In: Journal of Sport History 38 (2011), 373-385
Zwicker, Stefan: Zdravá rivalita? Německý fotbal v českých zemíc.h In: Dějiny a současnost 5/XXXVI (2014), S. 10-13
Zwicker, Stefan: Ostmitteleuropa. In: Handbuch der Sportgeschichte Osteuropas
Viz přílohu: Anotace Praha 2017
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