Why? What will you have a chance to study?
History and archaeology
To become familiar with concepts used in discussing international cultural heritage; the ‘milestones’ of the history of heritage and its protection worldwide; the diversity of philosophical, ethical, educational and practical approaches to cultural heritage worldwide and (post)modern developments in heritage sector.
Travel, tourism and leisure
To discuss key issues of authenticity and stage experiences relating to management, interpretation and marketization of heritage as well as issues of cultural tourism and safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage along with challenges facing cultural heritage today as a consequence of boom of new media.
Teacher training
To review the role of education for sustainability of values of heritage as well as both European concept and case studies of education about/through/for heritage.
How? What teaching methods will be used?
Interactive lectures
Workshops (learning by doing approach, experiential learning)
Critical reviews of study visits and field trips for example to Telč Castle, Brno Galleries, Kroměříž UNESCO Chateau and Historical Gardens or Červená Řečice Castle
Interdisciplinary seminars and debates
Moodle learning database
What are the benefits of your participation?
Meeting students and teachers from 3 Central European Universities
Meeting heritage professionals from Czech National Heritage Institute
Visiting interesting heritage sites and cultural landscape of outstanding beauty
Enjoying your learning in English
6 ECTS credits
Financial support from European Union (LLL – Intensive Erasmus Programme)
What should you do if you want to participate?
Write a motivation letter in English.
Explain how you will benefit from the participation personally and professionally.
Contact persons: Prof. Kateřina Charvátová (katerina.charvatova at pedf.cuni.cz), Hana Havlůjová (hana.havlujova at pedf.cuni.cz)