State Master Degree Exam – Play of Instrument

State Master Degree Exam – Playing the Instrument (Piano)


  1. Final concert – discussion

The final concert represents the artistic conclusion of the study. The concert should be organized in the same semester in which the student applies for the state exam but no later than two weeks before the exam. The length of the concert should be about 60 minutes.

Assessment criteria:

  • performance of the pianist – solo
  • performance of the pianist – ensemble performance or piano collaboration
  • dramaturgy of the concert (must be consulted with a teacher)
  • presentation of the concert, programme etc.


B.      Didactics of piano teaching and presentation of piano history and piano literature

a) The Clavichord and the Harpsichord
b) Piano works by W. A. Mozart, J. Haydn and composers of the 18th century
c) Elementary piano classes

a) The Hammerpiano and its evolution
b) Piano works by L. van Beethoven
c) Basic principles of the modern piano lessons

a) Interpretation of the music of the Baroque and Classicism period
b) Piano compositions of the Early Romantic period
c) Effectiv methods of piano practice

a) Interpretation of the music of Romanticism
b) The piano works of Impressionism
c) The evolution of the piano pedagogy

a) Interpretation of the music of Impressionism
b) The piano works of the Late Romanticism
c) Outstanding pianists of the 20th century

a) Psychological aspects of the concert performance
b) Contemporary Piano Music
c) Outstanding pianists of the 19th century

a) How an interpreter operates with a score
b) Czech piano music
c) Outstanding piano teachers